
Design is not art. Design plays a strategic role in identifying, defining, and creating the artifacts that make the business enterprise. Complete two design modules to qualify for a minor in design.


  • 2 x modules

  • Intermediate - Advanced

  • Minor only

Hult BBA shape 10

What you'll learn

Design principles, methods, and practices

Design in business

Design principles in modern design imagery

How to deliver a structured creative project

Key elements of brand, graphic identity, web, and industrial design

Professional Skills


  • Designing creative processes

  • Infographics

  • Presentation, typography, and color

  • User experience (UX) design

  • Visual design

Hult students Core Skills whiteboard group

Why Design?

Design impacts every product and service from every organization, from product design to visual communications. Explore different industries and see how they use design to publicize products and to establish an identity.

Design 1

Design 1

Identify, generate, develop, manage, and nurture creativity in business.


  • Credits: 7.5

  • Difficulty: Intermediate

  • Requirement: Core modules 1, 2, 3

Design 2

Building Business Through Design

Leverage design techniques to get better overall experiences for customers, employees, and investors.


  • Credits: 7.5

  • Difficulty: Advanced

  • Requirement: Design 1

Speech marks graphic

I study business but it’s the creative side that interests me. At Hult, I’ve come to understand the process behind design decisions.

Leslie Mercedes

Dominican Republic

Class of 2018