Hult MBA Rankings, Accreditations & Awards

Hult is proud to be recognized and ranked among the best business schools in the world by some of the most prestigious independent ranking and accreditation bodies. Find out more about Hult's MBA rankings, awards, and accreditations below.

hult mba ranking 2022 bloomberg

Our MBAs are ranked among the best

Both Hult's full-time and part-time MBA programs are consistently ranked as among of the best in the world by some of the most respected ranking bodies in the sector.

Financial Times Rankings

In addition to ranking in the FT's Top 100, our MBAs score highly in the subcategories that reflect our core values such as diversity, internationality, and CSR.


Global MBA Ranking

Featuring the top 100 full-time MBA programs worldwide, these FT rankings continue to be one of the most prestigious business school listings.

  • #92 Overall

  • #5 ESG and Net Zero

  • #10 International Students

  • #35 Career Progress


Executive MBA Ranking

This ranking features the top 100 Executive MBA programs for senior working managers worldwide, as independently assessed by the FT.

  • #16 in the US

  • #2 in California

  • #3 in UAE

  • #5 for International Students

  • #71 Overall Ranking

The Economist Rankings

The Economist’s evaluation of the top 100 full-time and part-time MBA programs worldwide is characterized by its student-centric and global comparison of the best MBA programs around the world. We've climbed 23 places in the latest full-time rankings and an incredible 50 places over five years.


Full-Time MBA Ranking

This ranking features the top 90 full-time MBA programs worldwide and is a trusted resource for those seeking an independent comparison of the best MBA degrees offered globally.

  • #1 for Overseas Alumni Chapters

  • #2 for Student and Faculty Diversity

  • #11 for Education Experience

  • #37 Overall Ranking in 2022


Executive MBA Ranking

The Economist reviews and ranks part-time Executive MBA programs on two broad measures: educational experience and career development, using data provided primarily by alumni.

  • #1 for Student Diversity

  • #2 for Geographic Diversity

  • #4 for Overseas Alumni Branches

  • #53 Overall Ranking in 2020

Global Online MBA rankings

Our continued and consistently strong performances in the rankings of the best Online MBA programs worldwide is the result of our unwavering determination to provide practical, relevant education to students across the globe.

Fortune logo


Best Online MBA Programs

To decide the world's best Online MBA, Fortune ranked programs based on MBA students' undergraduate GPA, acceptance rate and yield, work experience, retention and graduation rate, size of the graduating class, tuition fees as well as brand reputation and alumni executives in Fortune 1000 companies.

  • #28 Global Online MBA Ranking

QS World University Rankings


Online MBA Ranking

QS rankings are used by millions of candidates each year on to learn about various business school programs, connect directly with admissions professionals, and prepare their applications. Hult’s Live Online MBA has had a strong debut, coming in at #38 in the QS World University Rankings.

  • #16 Overall

  • #4 Class Profile

  • #11 Classroom Experience

  • #10 in North America

CEO Magazine


Global MBA Rankings

Using a ranking system entirely geared and weighted to fact-based criteria, CEO Magazine aims to provide potential students with a performance benchmark for those schools included. This year, Hult’s Global Online MBA and Executive MBA programs have been recognized.

  • #2 Global Online MBA Ranking

  • #9 Global Executive MBA Ranking

  • Tier One MBA Program in North America

  • Premier DBA provider

Other notable rankings

Fortune logo


Best Executive MBA Programs

To decide the world's best Executive MBA, Fortune ranked programs based on MBA students' professional credentials, brand perception among hiring managers, and MBA alumni who are C-suite executives at Fortune 1000 companies.

  • #50 Executive MBA Ranking


Best US Business Schools

Bloomberg Businessweek ranked 119 MBA programs and 84 US Business Schools around the world. The ranking focuses on how well MBA programs prepare graduates for career success.

  • #11 for Diversity

  • #35 for Entrepreneurship

  • #51 for Learning

  • #67 Overall Ranking

The Forage Logo


Top Universities for Experiential Learning

We are honored to have been ranked No. 26 out of 6,000 schools in the U.S. for our outstanding commitment to experiential learning and work-integrated learning, as recognized by Forage’s annual Experiential Learning Awards.

  • #5 University in Massachusetts

  • #26 Overall


We were the first triple-accredited business school in the US.
Hult is recognized by business education’s three most prestigious international accrediting bodies: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International), the Association of MBAs (AMBA), and EQUIS (The European Quality Improvement System). We were the first business school in the US to achieve this triple accreditation, which is held by just one percent of business schools worldwide.

We are proud to be accredited by the following organizations:

Triple Accreditation

  • AMBA



  • Massachusetts Department of Higher Education

  • DUBAI Knowledge

  • BPPE


Hult is the proud recipient of the bronze award for  Best Lifelong Learning Initiative 2021  from the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the Business Graduates Association (BGA). The prize builds on the Business School Careers Strategy award from AMBA & BGA in 2020, as well as the 2014 AMBA Innovation award.

AMBA is the international independent authority on graduate business education. Their accreditation service is the global standard for all MBA, DBA, and MBM programs. AMBA currently accredits over 240 business schools in more than 70 countries.

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Our international team of advisors is here to discuss your individual goals and answer all your questions. How you get in touch is up to you.

Application Deadline - Round 3

March 31, 2025

Priority is given to those who apply by the deadline. Our enrollment team will support and guide you through the entire process.