Since the world was struck by COVID-19, Hult responded quickly and efficiently by delivering classes online. Still live and interactive, but virtual. So, a month into this new style of teaching and learning, we caught up with a few of our undergraduate students to find out how they’re finding the whole experience.
This informative piece will help you understand how they’re adapting to the new “normal”, keeping busy, and coping with their studies and social life.
Darius Rahman
Nationality: Finnish & Bangladeshi
London campus
How has this new normal changed how you work?
Well, Hult put shifted all of our classes online within the week the pandemic was announced in the UK, which was really useful actually because I could move back in with my family in Finland and continue to receive my classes. Getting used to Zoom didn’t at all, just finding the perfect workstation to avoid distractions at home took some time.
How are you using downtime to stay productive?
I’ve been exercising, learning new skills, and allowing my creativity to flow. With gyms and sports facilities closed, I’m trying to stay as active as possible. Whether it’s going for a hike with my family, a jog in the woods, or working out at home. In terms of skills, I’m trying to pick up a few languages by watching international films and series on Netflix. I’ve also been expanding my knowledge in different areas like communication and leadership through Virtual Ashridge (Hult’s Executive Education)—a great platform that offers a wide range of content. I’ve also been expressing my creativity by writing poems and filming short skits.
What have you learned about yourself during this process of virtual learning?
I’ve learned that no obstacle is too big. Despite a global pandemic, virtual learning is proving its functionality. The show must go on, education and self-improvement don’t have to stop. In relation to this, I’ve learned that I need a routine and to keep pushing myself toward goals that I set for myself to remain productive.
How do you “hang out” outside of class with your Hult friends?
I hang out with my friends on one of the following social channels: Zoom, Houseparty (an app), WhatsApp, Snapchat, or on my PlayStation when I play video games. I even celebrated my birthday partially through Zoom this year, which was definitely a new experience. It’s obviously not the same as hanging out physically but being able to catch up and just “hang out” through video calls has been amazing as we’re all worlds apart.
How do you work on group projects?
Not much has changed apart from the medium. We set up calls on Zoom, divide the labor, review the research together, and finally film or present the end-result. I was worried at first how they would pan out online, but I feel everyone has adapted to it with ease. Despite the fact that my friends are currently scattered across the globe in different time zones, we seem to make it work!
Edoardo Alessandri
Nationality: Italian
London campus
How has this new normal changed how you work?
This new way of working hasn’t actually impacted my performance. If anything, I find it a bit easier to get to class because I don’t have a commute. I’ve also found it easier doing group work online, so we’ve had more group meetings, which is great! We’re always connected and we can jump into meetings at any time without having to worry about travel time or our schedule.
How are you using downtime to stay productive?
In my free time, I study, work, exercise, and catch up with friends. Nothing has changed but this social distancing time has actually given me the opportunity to focus more on myself, both mind and body.
Aila Joy Macarulay
Nationality: Filipino & American
Boston campus
What are some of the positives and negatives of virtual learning so far?
Some of the positives are being able to go at my own pace with assignments and easily going to class without the fear of being late due to public transport or distance. I simply get up, walk to my desk (which is less than 6 feet away from my bed), and get started with my day. The biggest negative aspect of virtual learning is not going for a coffee with my friends in class breaks. But we found a solution around that. When we have virtual breaks we go make a coffee and all chat in a Zoom breakout room! We always remind each other this is temporary and we’ll all soon be back together!
How do you stay connected with classmates?
I stay connected with classmates by SnapChatting them frequently and FaceTiming them on a weekly basis. We hang out by going on Zoom calls or via “Netflix Party” to watch movies together, even if we’re in different countries.
How do you work on group projects?
During group projects, we often have weekly meetings to catch up on the tasks and goals of each project. Most of the time we use Zoom to communicate as a team.
Here’s a candid look at Hult’s global community. When the school was forced apart, see how we remained more connected than ever—coming together from our homes in every corner of the world to find solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing this generation.
Hult’s Bachelor of Business Administration degree challenges you to go beyond business—to understand the world, the future, and yourself—as you learn by doing with a flexible curriculum that adapts to your interests and goals.