On continuing life in Dubai after graduation: Should I stay or should I go?

It may sound a little strange, but sometimes when I think of Hult, I imagine an airport.
I think I compare it to an airport because, for most people, that’s the first place you’ll go before starting this student adventure. It’s also where people from all over the world arrive or use as the platform to launch their next trip. And it’s a place that gives you the essentials you need to stay or to leave.
At Hult—and at the airport—it’s truly incredible to see so many different nationalities with so many different personal and professional backgrounds in one place, driven by different reasons, but with one purpose.
Here, the rich cultural exchange is not only with your classmates, but also with your professors who come from all over the world too, bringing their different expertise in different industries. The experience is life-changing, inspiring, and long-lasting.
To stay, or not to stay, that is the question
Once you get a taste of that—of the richness of cultures, the curiosity and eagerness of your peers, the new knowledge, and the strategic vision of positively impacting the world—you want more.
And so, the idea of finding a job abroad begins to tempt you. It flirts with you. It starts as a voice in the back of your head until it suddenly becomes an itch, followed by questions like:
“Where do I start?”
“Would getting a work visa be possible?”
“What should I expect?”
“Would my family be OK with it?”
It is in these moments where fears and doubts and anxiousness must be silenced by trustworthy information in order to make the right decision.
Finding inspiration and answers
Even before coming to Hult, I always knew that I wanted to work abroad. For me, working elsewhere was a synonym for learning, exploring, and building a strong professional foundation.
But the same questions haunted me. Questions about the hiring protocol, visa eligibility, salary, and other personal ones too. And as my anxiousness started kicking in, Hult was right there holding my hand. My Career Advisors at Hult Dubai were always available to talk to me about what was on my mind, answer the questions I had, and host helpful sessions on things like cover letter tips, searching more efficiently for jobs, and networking.
Plus, I was always just a couple of clicks away from loads of information regarding my job search and preparing for interviews right on Hult’s online student portal.
“The same questions haunted me. Questions about the hiring protocol, visa eligibility, salary, and other personal ones too. And as my anxiousness started kicking in, Hult was right there.”
Most importantly at Hult, I was also surrounded by people who inspired me. I had peers who were younger than me and had already given it their first shot at running their own business. Others had already visited more than 30 countries by the time they arrived at Hult. Many more had worked in industries and positions that I had always been curious to explore, or they had already found jobs abroad themselves.
Being surrounded by people who constantly showed me that it was not only possible but rewarding to push your limits kept me pushing through at every stage of the job search here in Dubai. The thought that I could keep learning from more people, keep exploring unknown corners of the world, and make an impact in businesses with my new skills remained at the heart of my decision to stay.
And Hult, being the airport that I sometimes imagine it as, keeps being that platform where I get to choose where I want to go.
Or in this case, where I want to stay.
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