Last month, Hult officially earned accreditation from The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business—AACSB International. This prestigious accolade sees us join a network of the world’s most forward-thinking business schools, committed to creating the next generation of great leaders, and marks a strong step forward for us on our path to offering the world’s most relevant business education. Read on for some of the exciting news coverage we received on this and other recent topics.
AACSB attainment coverage: Poets & Quants, BusinessBecause, Deca Direct
Poets & Quants and DECA Direct picked up the news of our AACSB accreditation. They note that it also paves the way for re-entry into the Financial Times Global MBA Ranking from 2018. BusinessBecause mentions that less than 5% of business schools worldwide have been awarded AACSB accreditation. They spoke to our Dean of Academic Quality, Dr. Ian Dougal about what it means for the school: “AACSB encourages institutions to push the boundaries of traditionally-defined business school models and roles, and set the standard for a new concept of business education,” says Ian. “This perspective permeates everything we do at Hult.”
BizEd Magazine—Working to Make Vision a Reality
Hult’s President, Dr. Stephen Hodges, and Chief Academic Officer Dr. Johan Roos co-authored a piece this month in BizEd Magazine for AACSB International: “Working to Make Vision a Reality”. This article addresses how Hult places special emphasis on: innovating for global prosperity through the Hult Prize; co-creation of knowledge through Hult Real-time Research (extra-curricular opportunities for Hult students to consult for major global corporations); delivering ‘lifelong learning’ by inviting Hult alumni to return to the school and take a free elective or executive education course every year for the rest of their lives.
Huffington Post features Hult Prize and article by Hult professor Cari Guittard
In the face of the refugee crisis and global populist surge, Huff Post looks to the Hult Prize for a ray of hope. This piece focuses on Team Atlas from LSE—one of this year’s finalist teams—whose social enterprise connects refugees with relevant jobs in their host countries. Through a partnership with Upwork (the world’s largest freelancing website) and backing from consultants at McKinsey & Company, this project aims to ultimately empower skilled refugees once again as well as mitigate any potential fiscal burden to the host nation.
Hult faculty, gender intelligence expert, and regular contributor to the Huffington Post, Cari E. Guittard implores anyone influential to read Work, Pause, Thrive: How to Pause for Parenthood Without Killing Your Career by Lisen Stromberg in her article “The One Book Ivanka and Every Policy Maker, C-Suite Leader Should Read If They’re Serious About Women Who Work.”
Khaleej Times—DWE hosts inaugural ‘disruptive innovation’ leadership programme
The UAE’s Khaleej Times highlights an “Innovative Leaders” program for prominent female Emirati leaders, being run by the Dubai Women Establishment in partnership with Hult. This is an intensive, experiential learning journey to further develop high-achieving Emirati women with deeper personal insight, unleashed potential, and an improved ability to inspire and motivate others. Key learning themes include ‘the neuroscience of learning to lead in a VUCA world’, ‘disruptive innovation: fostering exponential, experimental thinking and leadership agility’, and ‘leading change and driving transformation.’ This article also featured on MENA FN.
Hult’s entrepreneurial vision reflected in the school’s approach to technology—Airtame blog
And to round off, we have a cool feature on Airtame’s blog, looking at our adoption of new technologies on campus. Airtame echoes our belief that innovative solutions offer the best possible educational experience for the global generation, and features interviews with Hult students and staff attesting to this.
Find out more about AACSB.
Find out more about Hult Real-time Research and watch a video about the Airbnb project here.
Hult offers a range of highly skills-focused and employability-driven business school programs including a range of MBA options and a comprehensive one year Masters in International Business. To find out more, take a look at our blog Why every leader needs a growth mindset. Download a brochure or get in touch today to find out how Hult can help you to learn about the business world, the future, and yourself.