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Life Lessons from Hult: How to be the Richest Person in America
One of the best things about the Boston campus is that it’s so close to New York City. However, this can also be frustrating – the long hours of the…
Hult Alumnus Appointed CEO of Zapoint Inc.
We are proud to announce that Hult MBA Class of 2007 Alumnus, Joesph Brooks, was recently named Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Zapoint, Inc. Joe graduated with Distinction and Honors,…
Alumni Summit 2014: Day 1
London sets the scene More than 70 alumni from all over the world came to reconnect in London and continue their life-long learning with Hult. After a warm welcome from…
Alumni Summit 2014: Day 2
Learning skills while having fun On Day Two of the 2014 Alumni Summit, alums started the day off by being put into groups and preparing to take part in various…
The Surest Way to Make a Woman Angry at Work? [Huffington Post]
Written by Cari E. Guittard, Professor of Global Management, Corporate Diplomacy, and Women’s Leadership at Hult International Business School, for the Huffington Post “The Surest Way to Make a Woman…
Era Of Big B-School Mergers Extends Networks For MBA Students [Business Because]
This article was originally published on ‘Era Of Big B-School Mergers Extends Networks For MBA Students‘. As he walked into Ashridge’s Hertfordshire base, just outside London, Kai Peters was…