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Top 3 reasons why London is the best city on earth
Written by Sarveen Chester, Global Ambassador and Hult Undergraduate Class of 2017. Common complaints include the weather and the high cost of living. But the UK’s capital is an amazing…
Health matters: Looking after mind and body on campus
What does success mean to you? Salary? Respect? The impact you have on others? Whatever your measurement of material success, if you’re run down, burnt out, and unhappy, your success…
From engineering to marketing: Why a job in sales can work for you
Written by Ram Sasidhar, Global Ambassador and Master of International Business student at Hult’s San Francisco campus, Class of 2017. If you are passionate about working in the field of…
All about the birds and the bees: London MBA students do their part for the environment
Written by Danielle Werner, Global Ambassador and MBA student, Hult London Campus Class of 2017. Every year, the London postgraduate campus uses almost 20,000 sheets of paper. In an effort to…
Top 5 things to know before moving to Boston
Written by Emily Vondrak, Global Ambassador and Masters student. Hult Boston Class of 2017. Boston, lovingly called Beantown, is one of the oldest, most historic, and hands-down coolest cities…
Diving into diversity
Written by Saugat Kandel, Global Ambassador and Masters student, Hult Boston Class of 2017. Hult is a business school especially focused on international students to provide them with the best…