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Say “Goodbye” to your comfort zone
“At Hult, you will be forced out of your comfort zone, but it will be a good thing because it means that you are learning something.” Everyone has their own…
Disproving my prejudices about business school
Written by Alik Jebejian, Global Ambassador and Masters in International Business student Class of 2018. I remember not long ago I had to make that pivotal decision: should I continue…
Press highlights: October round-up
This past month continues to see our accomplished alumni featured in the press across the globe. Read on for our top alumni-related articles for October: Reet Sen in the Financial Times…
The ‘Why’ to ‘Why Hult London?’
Written by Christina Connell, Hult Global Ambassador and Undergraduate student. When the time comes to start making important decisions about your future, think of your dreams. Think big and without…
Staying connected: Why our alumni keep coming back to campus
Written by Vaibhav Rustagi Head of Global Alumni and EU Employer Relations team at Hult. Since the launch of the #HultHiresHult Instagram campaign last month, we are overwhelmed to see the responses…
Bringing innovation from the Hult classroom to Pirelli
Written by Vanessa Rosenthal, Hult Alumna Class of 2017. Wow! There is a new mail in my inbox saying “Re: Available to join me for a session at Pirelli in…