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Professor of the Year Awards 2017: Dr. Mo Willan, PhD
More than just professors, our business-savvy faculty are supportive mentors who genuinely care about your Hult journey. Join us for a closer look at each of the 2017 “Professor of…
Campus life monthly: October
Here at Hult, we pride ourselves on being a tight-knit community that thrives beyond the classroom. The diversity in culture and background of our students creates an environment that is…
A story about why I chose Hult San Francisco
Written by Tumelo Seemule, Hult Global Ambassador and Undergraduate student in the San Francisco campus. All my life I grew up wanting to be a pediatrician, but as time passed…
A love story continued…
Written by Christina Osako, Global Ambassador and Undergraduate student. One of the main factors that contributed to Hult being my first choice was the ability to rotate to different campuses…
Real life starts now – Blink or Think?
Written by Aaron Salamon, Global Ambassador and MBA Class of 2018. Having just re-read my first blog post about my experience of Immersion on the MBA program, I noticed how unbelievably…
Finding your passion to succeed in business
“The thing is, almost everyone takes the easy path,” says Guzmán Colilla. “Everyone tries to do the same thing. If you have passion, you have an advantage.” He speaks from…