When you first think of Dubai, you think of skyscrapers. Towering, mirrored behemoths shooting upward. You’d probably be even more surprised to discover that Hult’s leading outdoors enthusiasts call Dubai home. They’re called the Hult Trailblazers, a club that embraces community through hiking and the outdoors. They sat down with us recently to talk us through their unique club.  

The name  

The name wasn’t something we chose lightly. Firstly, we consulted ChatGPT, but all the names sounded too ChatGPT-Y. We cycled through loads of options like “Hikers United” and “Leading Together” but landed on Hult Trailblazers as it embodied the spirit of the club. Andrea actually came up with it but it summed us all up perfectly. Hult is full of trailblazers anyway so it’s just a distillation of Hult DNA.  

Colorful characters  

So, who do we have in our current lineup? We have Hela, who’s modest but influential within the group. She’s a mom and that felt important to get people with kids involved, as the outdoors is a great way to educate and get everyone together. Then there’s Daria, who’s a dog mom, it’s the same story with Andrea who are both the most outdoorsy of the whole group. The all-hiking, all-biking, duo. Akshata is the baby of the group and still has the youthful energy to be our cheerleader. Ryan’s one of the only male members, which is a shame, we need some more! Lastly, there’s Karima, who has a house out in the desert and is always hosting us for barbecues. It’s a real family. 

Impact through hiking   

What we do, essentially, is organize hikes. We started quickly and were stunned by how many people were keen to get involved. I think it’s because often the academic side of study can be a little stifling, as you’re in a classroom or a boardroom all day. We welcome people from all walks of life. If you have children or pets, this is the club for you. You can see on our Instagram just how inclusive we are with plenty of pictures of our furry friends everywhere. There’s different terrain everywhere as well. Deserts, mountains, and wadis are abundant in this region. It’s truly dramatic and one of the most beautiful natural places in the world. 

The world is our oyster   

Hult’s an international business school. We’re all too aware of our sister campuses in San Francisco, London, and Boston. We have plans to extend our trail across oceans and get some avid hikers together in and around those cities. It’s such a universal love that everyone understands and can be so beneficial for mental and physical health. Imagine the hikes we could have in and around the rolling English countryside, the national parks of the US, and all their bracing coastlines. We would need to adapt to different climates and seasons, but we’re up for that challenge.