As we wrapped up the first Hult-Brown Business Bootcamp course, offered to Brown University undergraduate students, there were many smiles on the Zoom screen when the winner of the client challenge was announced. The winning team, who presented a complex solution with a focus on sustainability, impressed the client—Grupo-Bimbo, a multi-billion dollar, global company that houses some of our favorite brands such as Thomas English Muffins, Sara Lee, and Entenmann’s.
John MacQuade, Vice President of Supply Chain at Grupo Bimbo commented,
“My team at Grupo Bimbo was impressed with the creativity and innovation of ideas, as well as the market research that the students did.
Many of the solutions were right on the mark and could be implemented today.”
The Brown students were taught by three Hult professors, Dr. Henrik Totterman, Professor Larry Louie, and myself, with each of us teaching a different topic—innovation, finance, and marketing respectively. In addition, there were three guest lectures:
- Provost Locke discussed his research related to supply chain.
- Dr. Banu Ozkazanc-Pan discussed diversity and inclusion.
- Dr. Robin Rose lectured on team collaboration.
We worked closely with the Brown faculty to time their topics and focus their discussions on content related to the students’ client projects. It was a wonderful collaboration.
There was a lot of positive feedback from students regarding the opportunity to be exposed to business topics that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to in their undergraduate education. They really enjoyed the collaboration between the two schools.
“It was truly a team effort,” said Brown University Deputy Provost, Shankar Prasad and went on to say,
“Our two institutions formed a great collaboration to deliver a uniquely experiential business course for Brown students.”
Brown University students also appreciated the strong collaboration between the two schools.
As Brown senior G. Dahl stated,
“I am grateful that I had the opportunity to take Business Bootcamp. I feel as if it allowed me to develop a foundation I will only continue building on in the months and years to come.”
“We look forward to continuing our partnership with Brown University and develop new ways to deliver relevant business education,” said Mukul Kumar, Chief Innovation Officer at Hult International Business School.
Our degrees are flexible enough to adapt to the rapidly changing business landscape—and they do. We offer a wide range of degree programs, including a Bachelor in Business Administration and flexible MBA programs. Be part of a school where the delivery, content, and outcomes of every course are always relevant to the current climate and are relentlessly focused on what you can do, not just what you know.