Get Reading! 6 Publications by 6 Hult Professors for Read a Book Day

It’s Read a Book Day. So, if you’re reading this you’re already off to a flying start. To celebrate the sharing of knowledge and wisdom through books we picked six of our favorite books by six Hult professors. If you were looking for inspiration today look no further!
1.)Leading in the Digital World: How to Foster Creativity, Collaboration, and Inclusivity
Author: Professor Amit Mukherjee (Hult Boston)
The lowdown
What does a leader look like? Powerful, slick, authoritative? Not anymore. In Leading in the Digital World, Amit Mukherjee argues that since digital technologies are changing everything else, how could they not change leadership ideologies and styles? As more people worldwide participate in business, those assumptions of a leader’s ideal profile are no longer relevant Flipping the concept of leadership on its head, Mukherjee shows why digital technologies call for a new kind of leader. The qualities of creativity, collaboration, and inclusivity are the future of leadership.
Available on Amazon (link)
2.) Social Impact in Hundred-Year Family Businesses
Author: Professor Isabelle Lescent-Giles (Hult San Francisco)
The lowdown
The sixth in a series of publications on how families have preserved their wealth, impact, and connection through business. A team headed by Hult professor Isabelle Lescent-Giles conducted over 100 interviews of both very public and highly private family businesses.
“We call these families “generative” because they continually add all forms of social, personal, and financial value. This paper looks at their philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, and community investments.”
But it isn’t just “generative” families that are covered, this paper includes profiles of other influential families. The research for this study also builds upon ongoing exclusive work led by Isabelle at Hult. 50 next-generation leaders of multigenerational family conglomerates around the world are interviewed along with leading experts and philanthropic families.
Available on Amazon (link)
3.) Blindsight: The (Mostly) Hidden Ways Marketing Reshapes Our Brain
Author: Professor Matt Johnson (Hult San Francisco)
The lowdown
“Ever notice that all watch ads show 10:10 as the time? Or that all fast-food restaurants use red or yellow in their logos? Or that certain stores are always having a sale? You may not be aware of these details, yet they’ve been influencing you all along.
“Every time you purchase, swipe, or click, marketers are able to more accurately predict your behavior. These days, brands know more about you than you know about yourself. Blindsight is here to change that.”
In this book, neuroscientist Matt Johnson and marketer Prince Ghuman dive into the surprising relationship between brains and brands. In Blindsight, they showcase how marketing taps every aspect of our mental lives, covering the neuroscience of the spectrum of human emotion. Matt exposes a complicated truth—we are not as in control as we’d like. Blindsight will give you the ability to see the unseeable when it comes to marketing. On the surface, you will learn how the brain works and how brands design for it. But peel back a layer, and you’ll find a sharper image of your psychology, reflected in your consumer behavior.
This book will transform your view of branding and yourself.
Available on Amazon (link)
4.) Digital Marketing Fundamentals: From Strategy to ROI
Author: Professor Mike Berry (Hult London)
The lowdown
Digital Marketing Fundamentals is the first digital marketing textbook to cover the entire marketing process. The academic theory behind digital marketing, as well as techniques and media, is discussed. Digital Marketing Fundamentals is easy to read and contains many international examples and cases. The Dutch version of this book has become a standard issue in The Netherlands for anyone studying marketing.
This book addresses all relevant aspects of digital marketing: strategic aspects, branding, customer acquisition, customer loyalty, and order processing. The book also discusses what makes websites and apps effective, with examples of digital analytics planning and management techniques. The application of social media and mobile communications is seamlessly integrated into the topics.
Available on Amazon (link)
5.) The Business of Sleep: How Sleeping Better Can Transform Your Career
Author: Vicki Culpin, (Hult Ashridge)
The lowdown
The Business of Sleep provides practical solutions to the sleep-deprived. You’ll never need to compromise on a healthy sleeping schedule again.
For businesses and their employees, a lack of sleep can be very damaging—from the impact on decision-making and communication skills to the way in which the lack of sleep can stifle creativity and innovation. Drawing on both seminal and cutting-edge research, alongside interviews with notable CEOs and business influencers, The Business of Sleep explains what the research tells us about how sleep works and what a lack of sleep can have on your work and career.”
Available on Amazon (link)
6.) The AI Republic: Building the Nexus Between Humans and Intelligent Automation
Author: Professor Terence C.M. Tse PhD.
The lowdown
“Artificial intelligence will radically change our lives—just not in the ways you might think.”
Contrary to what media representations would have you believe—AI isn’t coming for your job. In total contrast, AI will fundamentally transform the nature of work itself and lead to the creation of jobs that you wouldn’t even conceive of yet.
Movies and news reports speculate about the “rise of the machines” but there’s no chance of that. AI is not an all-seeing master, but rather a functional tool that must combine with human intelligence to actually be effective.
With The AI Republic, Terence Tse, along with Mark Esposito, and Danny Goh, has not just written a book for coders but for everyone who’s ever wondered about the potential of AI. Tse breaks down this life-changing technology and explains how to build a space where humans and intelligent automation collaborate effectively. Whether you’re a business executive who wants to level up their business tech, a government leader responsible for policy creation or even a parent who wants to prepare your kids for the future—this book is for you.
Available on Amazon (link)
These are just six of our supremely talented faculty members, and this blog barely scratches the surface of what they know. For more life-changing insights and business wisdom, check out our full range of programs. Who knows, you could be picking one of these business brains sooner than you think.