The Storify Highlights from the #HultTweetUp on Global Entrepreneurship
Global entrepreneurship is a popular business topic these days, and an even more sought after career path. So why are so many people talking about it, and choosing to build…
An evening with Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever #HultVSS
Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever, Vice-Chairman, and next Chairman, of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, and Forbes’ “Person of the Year” 2011 joined Hult’s Visionary Speaker Series in…
Zipcar Co-Founder Robin Chase shares her start-up stories with Hult students
Zipcar co-founder and Buzzcar CEO Robin Chase talked cars, start-ups, and more with current and prospective Hult students, alumni, and guests at the San Francisco installment of the school’s global…
Team Amrit hopes to bring “nectar of life” to urban slums as the campus winner of the Hult Prize challenge
Could the answer to solving non-communicable diseases in urban slums be urine? Possibly, says Hult San Francisco’s newly crowned Hult Prize team, Amrit, and their medical monitoring technology, P.wards. The fifth annual…
Hult Prize Announces 2014 President’s Challenge [Press Release]
BOSTON – The Hult Prize Foundation is proud to announce that the 2014 Hult Prize will be themed around healthcare. The focus area was selected by President Bill Clinton at…
Cooking up an entrepreneurial storm
We caught up with some key members of our Hult Alumni Association to explore how they started their own ventures in the Food and Beverage industry and how they managed…
What’s in a MOOC? Part I
It’s autumn, and for many people the change of seasons brings on a pavlovian desire to be in school. Fortunately for those people, we live in fantastic times. Many of…
MBAs winning way with insect farming [The Financial Times]
Written by Wai Kwen Chan for The Financial Times. How do you win a social entrepreneurship competition? What does it take and what gives you the edge? A team of…
Reflections (and Advice) From a Recent Hult Graduate
Allow me to set the scene: My team had just won the Hult Action Project, a capstone project on which we had worked tirelessly. Our client, GE Healthcare, had valued…
Stumped on a Decision? Try an Experiment
We’ve written before about the process of making choices, and why having an abundance of options spread out before us is actually far worse than having just a few to pick…
Two MBAs Share The Most Important Things They Learned at Hult
Now that it’s graduation time at Hult, we asked two of our Hult Labs MBA interns to share with us, and the world, what they learned the most while in…
Hult Prize accelerator preps competitors for $1m [Boston Globe]
CAMBRIDGE — The problem: finding a high-quality source of protein for hundreds of millions of people that can be raised quickly, without consuming a lot of land, water, and other…
Sustainability: Learn while you earn
Sustainability is currently a hot topic in the corporate world. How do we ensure business drives not only profits but also sustainable growth? It’s challenging enough being a young entrepreneur…
Benefits of Experiential Learning
9 months later, it is really hard to draw a conclusion on my Hult Experience. I’ve gone through all of the phases, from euphoria and enthusiasm to criticism and disappointment….
Eye on the Hult Prize: SF’s winning team starts Goalfrog campaign to put their plan into action
Winning the regional round of the Hult Prize competition in March was a huge accomplishment for Hult San Francisco’s team. But it was just the first step. After a brief…
An open letter to my classmates [by Natalya Spicker]
Today is a really bittersweet day… Bitter: a good portion of my MBA family is leaving London to rotate around the world for the next 2-4 months. This takes me all…
Tardiness, a Display of Disrespect or No Big Deal?
Even in prehistoric days when human beings hunted mastodons with stone-tipped wooden spears, a member of the tribe was probably late at some point, to something. Sure, the concept of…
Hult students attend CGI U, Meet President Clinton
In April, five Hult students, one from each of our campuses, participated in President Clinton‘s annual Clinton Global Initiative University meeting and got to spend nearly 15 minutes in a…
Marshall Goldsmith to Speak at Hult
LONDON, 5 April, 2013 — Marshall Goldsmith, one of the world’s leading CEO coaches and recently appointed Distinguished Senior Fellow of Hult International Business School (Hult), will be a keynote…
Chocolate factory tour offers students a sweet start to the new module
Hult San Francisco students returned from spring break and jumped right back into their busy class schedules this week as Module C, the third of five modules in the school…
Can Reading Comics Make Us Smarter?
Of all of our senses, it’s vision that requires the most cerebral horsepower to process information. And while words on a screen or a page can be compelling, it’s pictures…
Why Video Games Are Good For You—Really Good For You
What if as part of your education you were required by teachers – encouraged and required – to play video games – because it’s good for you. And what if…
Faculty Spotlight: John Beck, Professor of Strategy
Managing Director of Hult Labs, Professor of Strategy at Hult International Business School, and judging panelist of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Business Professor of the Year Award, John Beck discusses…
Shared ImpACT – Social Responsibility Forum, Madrid
Hult Professor of Global Economics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Mark Esposito is a contemporary author, researcher and professor, in the field of Economics of Strategy, Complex Systems, Economic Development, and…