Career statistics for Hult’s Class of 2019—MBA and masters programs
Last year’s Hult graduates are already making waves in some of the world’s leading companies and most competitive industries. They set themselves apart with their reputation as globally minded innovators with a determination to make a difference in the world. Take a look at our employment and career statistics from Hult’s masters and MBA programs Class of 2019. We’ll let the results speak for themselves.
Get the full Global Careers Report for Hult’s Global One-Year MBA program.
See all the stats and get the full Global Careers Report for Hult’s Global One-Year Masters programs.
Mel Cloney
Mel is a staff blogger working in London, and is passionate about the Hult journey. Her writing focuses on faculty, academics, and student and alumni experiences. She’s a food, scuba, and running junkie with a penchant for all things French.