Everything is connected
Everything is connected. When I was at college, a great professor told me this. We would have discussions about the economic financial crisis and the interconnectedness of subjects in school. By studying one subject very deeply, you may end up learning other, seemingly unrelated, subjects. Everything is connected. This was his philosophy; I believe it holds a lot of truth.
He might have been inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci who said: “To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else”.
This world needs more complete minds to find solutions to society’s problems.
Business is creative.
Entrepreneurship: Science and art
Starting and running a successful company is both a science and an art. It is a science in as much we can study subjects such as management at business schools. It is an art in the sense that it requires a unique combination of skills, personal attributes, and luck. There is no formula for creating a successful business, regardless of what the plethora of business books at bookshops say (if you’re like me and still go in them). However, it is something we can all learn by gaining experience. By having the courage to pick up a brush and paint your vision of a better world. Or at least a better product or service.
“Business is creative. It’s like painting. You start with a blank canvas. You can paint anything, anything, and there, right there, is your first problem. For every good painting you might turn out, there are a zillion bad paintings just aching to drip off your brush,” Jordan Daykin quotes Richard Branson.
Cultural awareness: Art, science, and business
Studying art at a business school was not something I was expecting. However, it was an experience at Hult that I thoroughly enjoyed. Studying art can help a person develop cultural awareness, which is becoming increasingly necessary in our ever-more interconnected world.
One assignment was to go to the Tate Britain Museum. Ironically, I am one of the few British students at Hult London, and yet I cannot remember the last time I have been to a British museum. The only memory I have is of a class field trip when I was seven years old.
I was a man on a mission—get in, take pictures of paintings, get out. This was a mission I enjoyed very much. I got to see beautiful paintings, sculptures, and photographs. I got to see art I wished I had the time to learn more about.
Studying art can help a person develop cultural awareness
In the same class that gave me the excuse to go to a museum, I was assigned to study artwork such as Fons Americanus by Kara Walker. The sculpture was an exploration of the complex interconnectedness of African, European, and American history. A history that involved the enslavement of people of colour. At the time of the sculpture’s commissioning, mass protests for the Black Lives Matter movement were escalating in the United States and the United Kingdom. At work, a colleague asked me “will you go to protest?” As a student honoring the honor code, I said no. Though, as a person of color, I felt conflicted. He went on to say that through education I could make an impact, so long as I remember my culture.
Management Science & Big Data Analytics
Science is the systematic pursuit of knowledge and greater understanding. Knowledge can include ideas, skills, and ways of working. In the past, knowledge was mostly passed down from the people around you: family, friends, and community. Inevitably, human curiosity and necessity drove us to develop ourselves and, in turn, the world around us.
Frederick Taylor was a pioneer in the scientific management movement. We take it for granted that we study management as we do now. There was a time when business school education consisted of “war veterans” (successful businessmen) telling “war stories” (stories of business ventures and adventures) from their time in the “field” (their industries). Business school education was more vocational rather than academic. This has changed. Knowledge developed. It became more complex. People can get a doctorate or PhD in Management. They can specialize. However, the need to go back to the original purpose of business education is paramount in order to holistically educate future business leaders.
Science and art: Cryptocurrency artwork
In 2007, a digital artist called Beeple released a 3D artwork online. The next day he released another. The next day, another. This went on for the next 13 years. Then he fused the artworks together into a collage: “Everydays: The First 5000 Days”. The fact that it sold for $69,346,250 is interesting; the fact that is sold using a unique NFT (Non-fungible token, stored and verified on a blockchain) is even more interesting.
Although this all seems cool and hip right now, digital art has been with us for a long time. It was the introduction of NFT, most likely with Etheria.World in 2015, which allowed artists to make money from digital art. Etheria.World was created for the purpose of engineering virtual real estate and more real money. Knowledge of the economy, business, finance, science, and art are all necessary to create these beautiful works of art, and the technology behind them.
Using the latest 3D imaging techniques and the power of blockchain technology, digital art is the ultimate marrying of art, science, and business.
Education should not be about getting a good grade. It should be about making people better people.
Developing character through art, science, and business
A great professor at Hult once talked about the importance of society’s youth succeeding by developing their character as opposed to merely excelling in academics. Education should not be about getting a good grade. It should be about making people better people; through the skills they cultivate and the knowledge they acquire.
Being open to various subjects will allow us to be more open and inclusive, as well as efficient and effective leaders; in society, business, and our own lives.