Hult Founder’s Lab has been around for a long time. Our students are first introduced to it during their Bachelor of Business Administration program to nurture their entrepreneurial spirit into something truly special. A startup incubator by name, it’s so much more than that.

Do I need a startup to get in?

No! Students are encouraged to interact with Hult Founder’s Lab wherever they are on their entrepreneurial journey. The lab runs a number of bootcamps where you can watch your ideas morph into real ventures in real-time. You can band together and network with fellow students to tweak your ideas. See something you like? Jump in and get involved. Let me be clear: Hult Founder’s Lab is for everyone.

Who is involved?

Hult Founder’s Lab isn’t a club. It’s not just a student venture that stands on its own without the support of the school. On the Bachelor of Business Administration program in London, you will be directly supported by Professors Lilianna Caimacan and Daniel Rukare. Hult Founder’s Lab is intertwined with the teachings at Hult, and if you’re lucky enough to have either of these two as professors, you’ll be working closely with them throughout your time at HFL.

So, is it just in London?

Currently HFL has bases in both Boston and London. Wherever our Bachelor of Business Administration program lays its hat, that’s its home.

Anywhere else?

Well, yes. As of this year, Hult Founder’s Lab has expanded its reach into our postgraduate programs in London. The way we see it, why limit the ambitions of our students by only having them learn from each other? Businesses and startups are built on the fertile ground of cooperation. With 150 nationalities through our doors, as well as business stars at all stages of their career, there are a wealth of opinions and experiences to learn from.

What’s the structure like?

Once you’re in, you have access to workshops that we run every week. Every aspect of running a business is gone through with a fine-toothed comb. Everything from market sizing to product development. There will even be regular “pitch meetings” where students can focus on their pitch technique, getting more and more comfortable speaking clearly and concisely in front of their peers.

What are the visa limitations?

In the UK there are limits on what exactly you can achieve while you’re studying. We should be clear: you cannot officially own your own business while studying with us in London. HFL is there to help you sculpt your vision. We help you lay the groundwork for the great strides you’ll eventually make.

So, is it all worth it?

The power is in your hands. Have an idea, half an idea, or even just a willingness to learn? This is the place for you. This is a chance for you to work on things that are deeply meaningful for you. Because what’s the point of being at Hult if you can’t pursue your dreams?

Applications for HFL membership are open all year to students in London and Boston. Come get involved.