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Virtual Skills Lab | Foresight in an ever-turbulent era: A journey into the future

Virtual Skills Lab | Foresight in an ever-turbulent era: A journey into the future

Hult’s Virtual Skills Lab is an online global meeting space offering you the opportunity to skill up and get ahead—from home. Connect with likeminded go-getters from all over the globe and hear from world-class Hult professors on the latest topics and trends in live, interactive workshops and webinars.

Nobody knows what the future holds in store. How, then, should businesses prepare for the mind-boggling array of scenarios that might arise in the coming years? It turns out there are ways to reduce the risk of being mauled by the savage beast of the unexpected, as this virtual skills lab session will attempt to craft. A journey into the power of foresight and why it matters now more than ever before is led by Professor Mark Esposito.

See all upcoming Hult Virtual Skills Lab events and register here.

Considering a business degree? Hult offers a range of highly skills-focused and employability-driven business school programs. Find out more about our MBA degrees and one-year masters, including Masters in International Business.

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