Hult’s Global One-Year MBA ranks 43rd best worldwide by The Economist’s Which MBA?

We’re proud to announce that Hult International Business School’s Global One-Year MBA program has ranked 43rd best in the world in The Economist’s prestigious annual Which MBA? ranking.
In the past two years, Hult’s Economist ranking has increased significantly and steadily with a climb of 17 places. This improvement is due to the school’s strong performance in several categories, notably regarding salary increase for graduates (“Percent Salary Increase”) and the number of different industries employing graduates (“Diversity of Recruiters”).
The ranking is a recognition of the school’s diversity, global reach, and graduate career results. The Hult review saw the program rank highly in many categories.
In key subcategories the Hult Global One-Year MBA was ranked:
– #1 for Diversity of Recruiters
– #7 for Overseas Alumni Chapters
– #8 for % Salary Increase (up from #11 LY)
– #15 for Student Diversity
Which MBA? is The Economist’s annual global ranking of full-time MBA programs. It aims to determine the world’s best MBA by scoring schools across 12 different categories, including career opportunities, educational experience, salary, and networking opportunities.
“We’re relentlessly focused on preparing students for the reality of tomorrow’s business world. I think that’s reflected in our improved rankings performance.”
– Dr. Stephen Hodges, President of Hult International Business School
“We’re very happy with our climb in The Economist’s latest ranking,” said Hult’s President, Dr. Stephen Hodges. “It’s critical for a business education today to go beyond business. Global innovation is challenging the tools and skills that leaders need, and that’s why we’re relentlessly focused on preparing students for the reality of tomorrow’s business world. Students come to Hult to think differently about their future, and I think that’s reflected in our improved rankings performance.”
You can see the full ranking list here.
This latest ranking adds to a growing list of publications who have reviewed Hult’s programs and ranked them among the best in the world, including:
- 21st Best International MBA Program by Bloomberg Business (2017)
- 13th Best Masters in Management (for Hult’s Masters in International Business) –The Economist, 2017
- 15th Best One-Year MBA by – Forbes (2017)
You can find out more about Hult’s rankings and accreditations here.
About Hult International Business School
Hult International Business School offers degrees at undergraduate, postgraduate, and executive education levels and awards both U.S and U.K degrees across its global campuses in Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai, and Shanghai.
Hult takes students beyond business to learn about the world, the future, and themselves. So that they can work across cultures, help shape the future, and lead others effectively in a world that’s changing faster than ever before. With students of more than 160 nationalities and the chance to study in multiple cities around the world, students are immersed in diversity from day one. Our courses in disruptive technologies and a future-focused curriculum mean students explore the risk and opportunities the future holds, and our advanced leadership program develops a growth mindset that enables students to improve both strengths and weaknesses long after graduation.