When you graduate from Hult, your learning experience doesn’t stop there. Every year, hundreds of alumni return to Hult for in-person and virtual learning experiences.
Starting in 2024, we are launching a 360 Learning Experience, offering you opportunities for learning throughout the year.
Your learning journey continues long after graduation. As Hult alumni (including Ashridge, ADL, and Huron alumni), you can return to the classroom every year to take an elective and skill up. Each year, we offer over 100 elective courses across a wide range of subjects, and more than 600 alumni come back to study with us.
Snapshot of electives offered:
Management Psychology
Managing & Leading with AI
Behavioral Economics & Decision Making
Strategic Brand Management in the Digital Age
Big Think: AI and the Future of Humanity
... and many more.
New electives are added every year to keep options fresh and relevant. The full range of electives offered for 2025 will be available through the electives catalog and will be published in April 2025.
Program Details
Alumni electives run from May to August every year, with registration usually taking place in April
Alumni can take one elective per year
We offer a limited number of in-person and online seats on the program, on a first-come, first-served basis
All alumni are required to pay a non-refundable administration fee of 100 USD at registration to participate in a course
Participating alumni are responsible for all travel, visa, and accommodation expenses across all campuses
All courses are for audit purposes and no academic credits are awarded
Elective offerings are subject to change
2024 Electives season in pictures:
October 2024 marked the launch of our very first Xploration Day in New York, where 50+ alumni from around the world came together with faculty and guest speakers. The event was an incredible success, and we’re excited to welcome even more alumni at our next Xploration Day.
What does it take to successfully grow, transition, or sell a business while securing long-term wealth for future generations?
Join us for an insightful Alumni Hour featuring Hult entrepreneur alumni Nacho Imery (MBA 1995), a corporate and international tax attorney, and public speaker based in New York City, alongside Jun Jie Sun (MIB 2012), a third-generation Chinese entrepreneur, born and raised in Italy. Together, they’ll explore key strategies for scaling, selling, and securing generational wealth.
Alumni Enquiries
If you have any questions for the Alumni Relations team, please reach out via the form below.